The Bodyspanner

Supercharge your ability to fix common pain syndromes and restrictions across your entire body that limit performance and general wellbeing! This systematic and methodical approach to unlock restrictions and regain functional strength will be life changing!

Identifying fundamental dysfunctions, inhibitiry pain, and how pain lives and behaves in uniquly in us all. Lets unlock the limitations and optimise your human performance.Follow a prioritised, sequenced and customised program to Breakdown and rebuild your body and optimise perfoemance for all lifes acticivities

Breakdown, unlock restrictions, remove pain,

Activate, Strengthen fundamental weakness across the entire body utilising our uniique 3 point Muscular anchoring system

Functionalise, optimising body control and awareness co-ordinating your new strength

Integrate, Translates the acquisition of total body connectivity strength and body awareness to every part of your life.

Learn how to identify, target and unlock restrictions across your entire body that often limit performance and contribute to common pain syndromes that impact everyday life and performance. This is the Perfect approach for any person who want more.. who wants ultimate physical longevity and take control of their physical wellbeing, fitness and physical health.


  • Effectively treat and manage soft tissue restrictions.
  • Develop strength Anchors around your Pelvis, Shoulders and feet
  • Mobilise stiff joints.
  • Address restrictions in nerve dynamics.
  • Understand pain and pain referral sensations and how to use them as a guide to
  • target individual treatment areas.
  • Identify underlying tightness and restrictions in your body you never knew
  • existed.
  • Assess and identify fundamental weaknesses that are contributing to injury or
  • restricting performance.
  • How to follow a systematic and methodical approach to unlock restrictions that
  • often limit performance and contribute to common pain syndromes
  • Effective real time Improvement and deliver Immediate Results.

Choose a course that best suits your needs, every course comes with the 7 module prerequisite "Unlock and Activate your Core" focused on removing unwanted pain inhibitors withing the myofascial system, unlocking restrictions reignighting the core stability muscles focused on body awareness breathing and piostural control while developing my unbreakable "Core Anchor Systemfor a bullet proof body for life.

You demand performance, let me teach you how to be your own Master of Mobility.

"Simply Amazing"

- Emily Jane

I’m Chris Woolley

Firefighter and elite athlete....Bodyspanner allows me to prepare, mobilise, release pre workout and recover after a grueling day in the office.... want to see me train ?

See how hard i work

Lower Back and Hips

Perfect for back and groin pain, sciatica the release of tight hips and gluts while improving hip mobilithfoer. any actiivity almost immediately.

Calf and Lower Leg

Perfect forcalf and achilles tightnesss, shin splints,plantar fascia pain syndromes and runners whileankle mobility for any activity almost immediately.

Shoulder and Upper Arm

Perfect for shoulder pains and impingement syndromeswhile improving shoulder mobility for any activity almost immediately.

Hip and Thigh

Perfect for back pain, hip tightness, ITB friction syndrome and sciatica while improving hip mobility and easing knee pain for any activity almost immediately.

Middle and Upper Back

Perfect for upper back and shoulder pain,headaches and neck stifness while thoracic,spine and rib mobility for any activity almost immediately

For more detailed applications,techniques and programs, click the link and get in touch!